Children and youth in the context of international mobility patterns in Mexico

Palabras clave: international migration, educational attainment and labor market participation, children and youth, family arrangements, México.


In recent decades the patterns of international mobility in Mexico have consolidated. Emigration to the United States, the growing presence of women and children in the flow and the loss of circularity persist. At the same time, new patterns have emerged. There is evidence of a significantly large new flow of Mexicans and children of Mexicans born in US entering the country after having lived abroad. Within these heterogeneous patterns of mobility, we explore the extent to which minors in Mexico are exposed to international mobility either through their own migration experience or that of their parents or other relatives. In addition, we explore whether the educational and labor trajectories of adolescents vary depending on their exposure to international migration. Using information from the ten percent sample of the 2010 Mexican Census, we analyze the sociodemographic and geographic characteristics of these children. We also consider how family arrangements, especially co-residence of children with parents, mediate the effects of international migration on the children’s well-being. Our results suggest international migration is linked to the absence of one (mainly the father) or both parents in all cases. In addition, enrollment in school and the labor status of children also vary depending on their exposure to international migration. For Mexican returnees and other immigrants, the probabilities of staying in school and out of work are notoriously lower. This relation is clearly mediated by the type of family arrangement.

Biografía del autor/a

Edith Y. Gutiérrez Vazquez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Researcher and Lecturer at the INESER Department of Regional Studies, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guadalajara
Silvia E. Giorguli Saucedo, El Colegio de México
President of El Colegio de México


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Cómo citar
Gutiérrez Vazquez, E., & Giorguli Saucedo, S. (2018). Children and youth in the context of international mobility patterns in Mexico. Carta Económica Regional, (121), 33 - 58.